BNF for miniRA.jj

Goal ::= "MAIN" "[" IntegerLiteral "]" "[" IntegerLiteral "]" "[" IntegerLiteral "]" StmtList "END" ( Procedure )* VariablePackingInfo <EOF>
StmtList ::= ( ( Label )? Stmt )*
Procedure ::= Label "[" IntegerLiteral "]" "[" IntegerLiteral "]" "[" IntegerLiteral "]" StmtList "END"
Stmt ::= NoOpStmt
| ErrorStmt
| CJumpStmt
| JumpStmt
| HStoreStmt
| HLoadStmt
| MoveStmt
| PrintStmt
| ALoadStmt
| AStoreStmt
| PassArgStmt
| CallStmt
NoOpStmt ::= "NOOP"
ErrorStmt ::= "ERROR"
CJumpStmt ::= "CJUMP" Reg Label
JumpStmt ::= "JUMP" Label
HStoreStmt ::= "HSTORE" Reg IntegerLiteral Reg
HLoadStmt ::= "HLOAD" Reg Reg IntegerLiteral
MoveStmt ::= "MOVE" Reg Exp
PrintStmt ::= "PRINT" SimpleExp
ALoadStmt ::= "ALOAD" Reg SpilledArg
AStoreStmt ::= "ASTORE" SpilledArg Reg
PassArgStmt ::= "PASSARG" IntegerLiteral Reg
CallStmt ::= "CALL" SimpleExp
Exp ::= HAllocate
| BinOp
| SimpleExp
HAllocate ::= "HALLOCATE" SimpleExp
BinOp ::= Operator Reg SimpleExp
Operator ::= "LT"
| "PLUS"
SpilledArg ::= "SPILLEDARG" IntegerLiteral
SimpleExp ::= Reg
| IntegerLiteral
| Label
Reg ::= "a0"
| "a1"
| "a2"
| "a3"
| "t0"
| "t1"
| "t2"
| "t3"
| "t4"
| "t5"
| "t6"
| "t7"
| "s0"
| "s1"
| "s2"
| "s3"
| "s4"
| "s5"
| "s6"
| "s7"
| "t8"
| "t9"
| "v0"
| "v1"
IntegerLiteral ::= <INTEGER_LITERAL>
Label ::= <IDENTIFIER>
VariablePackingInfo ::= "// Number of vars after packing =" IntegerLiteral"; Number of Spilled vars =" IntegerLiteral