CS 6235 - Analysis of Parallel Programs

Assignment 2: MHP Analysis

Our goal is to do MHP analysis of ParTACoJava programs.

Use Soot to write in Java one or more Java files which implement flow-sensitive MHP analysis studied in the class. Your main file should be called A2.java, Say P.java contains a program to be analyzed in ParTACoJava form and Q.java contains a sequence of MHP analysis queries.

On invoking Soot on P.java, to perform MHP analysis using A2.java (example invocation shown here), it is expected to answer the queries given in Q.txt.

Your program should print a series of "Yes" or "No" (each in a new line) corresponding to each query in Q.txt. The order of your answers should match the order of the MHP queries.

Grading policy
Your homework will be graded for a total of 100 marks.