-- 21/1/2014 -- Modified the kernels for byzantine iterative -- 25/4/2014 -- Modified the input generator for K-committee -- 24/5/2014 -- Modified the bugs in X10-FA Recursive kernels -- BFS Dijkstra in method broadCast() and echoReply() the load calculation had nval(aNode) which is wrong and thus changed to nval(child). For this purpose also a new at(D(child)) was added. In method joinMessage() in the loadweight calculation declaration of ipt was redundant as we already had variable "index". -- Byzantine method voteAll() modified with removal of ipt as it was redundant and replacing it with index. -- DijkstraRouting in the method route, removal of redundant ipt from both the inner and outer load calculations and replacing with idx and index respectively. From method findNextNode removal of "ipt" and replaing with aindex. -- MST removal of ipt from various load calculations in the method mstCreate, as an where possible and replacing with index. Added "at(D(cpt)) in methods findNode(), transmit() and invertPath(). -- Modified the bugs in X10-FAC Recursive kernels -- BFS Dijkstra -- in method broadCast() and echoReply() added "at(D(child))", removed "ipt" from joinMessage() and joinTree() methods and replaced with "index". -- MST -- in method mstCreate(), removed "ipt" from joinMessage() and joinTree() methods and replaced with "index". Added "at(D(cpt)) in methods findNode(), transmit() and invertPath(). -- Modified similar bugs in Serial Recursive X10-FA kernels -- 25/5/2014 -- Modified the kernels for byzantine iterative. Same changes as done on 21st but somehow changes lost from uploaded folder. Main issue was that diameter calculation was wrong as "nodes" was being used instead of "totalNodes". -- 6/7/2014 -- Missing "clocked" keyword in bfsBellmanFord (Recursive X10-FAC) kernels -- added -- 11/8/2014 -- Minor Optimizations -- Randomized method "cointToss()" present in Byzantine kernels inlined instead of its usage through the variable "gToss". This change performed in all the kernels in IMSuite_timing -- Redundant variables removed from MST (method "findNode" variable cpair updated) and BFSDijkstra (variable "msp" in method "joinTree") -- 20/12/2014 -- Minor Optimization -- bfsDijkstra.x10 present in IMSuite_characterization -- local variable "h1" moved outside the atomic block. -- byzantine.x10, dijkstraRouting.x10 and mst.x10 Iterative versions present in IMSuite_characterization -- local variable "h1" moved outside the atomic block. -- dominatingSet.x10, kcommittee.x10, leader_elect_dp.x10, leader_elect_hs.x10, leader_elect_lcr.x10 present in IMSuite_characterization/per_round_communication -- local variable "h1" moved outside the atomic block. Code Update -- dijkstraRouting.x10 present in IMSuite_characterization/per_round_communication -- has a bug, missing "clocked" in finish and async construct in method route(). -- dominatingSet.x10 -- getNeighborArray method communication data collection code added -- leader_elect_hs.x10 communication code placement modified. -- leader_elect_lcr.x10 -- communication code added in transmit method, for leader information transmission. -- mis.x10 present in IMSuite_characterization/per_round_communication -- removed atomic from method "checkMark"