Prateek Barapatre

Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science & Engg, IIT Madras

B.E., BIT, Durg (2006-2010); M.S.(Pursuing), IIT Madras (joined July,2010);
Advisor : Dr. C. Pandu Rangan

Current Research Focus

CRYPTOGRAPHY(Identification Scheme):
A standard identification (SI) scheme is an interactive protocol to provide entity authentication. By entity authentication we mean that the entity proves himself to be alive at the time of protocol execution.Again the Identification schemes can be symmetric and asymmetric. Symmetric identification schemes are an essential part of key distribution protocols such as the Kerberos and Needham-Schroeder-Lowe protocols, but my focus is to study the asymmetric case.Identification schemes are used in practice to allow so-called smart cards to identify as a properly issued card to the card reader.


I am using the approach of Provable Security to design a new Identity Based Identification Protocol in standard model.


If you want to know more about the topic, you can contact me by sending a mail, refer to my Contact page.