This page lists all courseware - lecture topics, slides, and reading material - for external access. Students of the course at IIT Madras should use the Google Classroom for accessing material, lecture videos, discussion forums, problem sets, and grades. The Julia notebooks used in the course are available to be tried out online through Binder at this GitHub repository.

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A bit about the course


Topic Lecture material Comments
Statistics - An Overview Lecture Slides An opinionated view of the key ideas in statistics and mapping of these ideas to the modules of the course
Julia - An introduction Pluto notebook A very quick introduction to Julia
Probability Refresher on Julia Pluto notebook Illustration of some common ideas from probability - Random numbers, sampling, distributions, density functions, independence, and Monte Carlo simulations
Assignment 1: Probability Question sheet Usual probability questions with cards and random events, but with a computational focus.
History of Statistics Lecture Slides A 90-slide deck tracing the history of ideas in statistics for three millennia.
Dataframes Pluto notebook An introduction to storage of relational data, and some important operations on them: joins, split-apply combine, and reshape