Summer Projects and Workshop

coordinated by
Centre for Continuing Education and CSE Department
IIT Madras
May-June, 2016

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The venue for the lectures and the lab sessions is DCF Extension Lab, CSE Department, IIT Madras.

Date Lecture Topic (10:00 -- 13:00) Lab (14:30 -- 16:30) Instructor
June 1 Basics of Python, Data types and Data Structures: Strings, Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries, Sets Using Anaconda Prof. Hari Ramachandran
June 2 Control Structures : Loops, Conditionals, Functions, Exception Handling Programming assignments Prof. Hari Ramachandran
June 3 Classes and Modules : Classes, Inheritance and Polymorphism Programming assignments Amit Rawat
June 6 Classes and Modules : Classes, Inheritance and Polymorphism Programming assignments Amit Rawat
June 7 Re module, Request module and Basics of Beautiful Soup Programming with Re and Requests module Ditty Mathew
June 8 GUI - Introduction Basic GUIs and Widgets Aditya
June 9 Kivy Installation of Kivy Sreenivas Gupta
June 10 Kivy Programming with Kivy Sreenivas Gupta and Sameer Kumar
June 13 Kivy Programming with Kivy Sameer Kumar and Anshul Devangan
June 14 -- 17 Project Project --
June 18 Project Demo and Valedictory -- --