CSE Department : MS/PhD Admissions (January 2021)
(*) Applications submitted on or before Nov 30, 2020 will be considered for this round of test/interviews.
Important information
- An overview of the department, faculty members, research areas and an introduction to the MS/PhD program is available here.
- Shortlists for MS, Direct PhD and PhD under External/Part-time/Project Staff categories are now available.
- The shortlisting criteria for MS, Direct PhD and for PhD under the External/Part-time/Project Staff categories are now available.
- The interview process for External/Part-time/Project Staff categories candidates is available here.
Recommendations are subject to approval by the Competent Authority.
There are no waiting lists.
Admission offer letters are likely to be sent by 15th January 2021.
Online classes for February-June 2021 semester will start on 1st February 2021.
Queries related to MS and PhD admissions may be sent to admissions@cse.iitm.ac.in or cs-admissions@wmail.iitm.ac.in.
Here are
some suggestions on preparing for the MS-PhD interviews.