Workshop Talk, ''Trusted Computing Environments in RISC V Processors'', 12th Indo-German Frontiers of Engineering Symposium (INDOGFOE), Bremen, Germany 02/Oct/2022
Conference Talk, ''Practical Trust Performance Metrics for Block Cipher Evaluation in Automotive Environments'', ERTS 2022, Toulouse, France, June 2022
Tutorial, ''AI and Security'', Navy War College, Goa, 25/March/2022
Tutorial, ''Hardware Security: Bane and Boon'', Cyber Security: Challenges and Technologies, Anna University, 7/Jan/2022
Invited Talk, ''Side-Channel Leakage Evaluation of a RISC V Processor'', RISC V Day (Vietnam), 15/Jan/2022
Workshop Tutorial, ''Fault Attacks on Neural Networks'', Workshop on AI for Cyber-Security, 10/Feb/2022
Panel Discussion, ''Securing the Shakti Processor for IoE Enviornments'', CDAC-Techno Conclave 2021, 29/July/2021
Tutorial, ''Micro-architectural Attacks in Cloud Environments'', Loyola-ICAM College ofEngineering, 25/May/2021
Demonstration, ''Automated Tools for Fault Attack Evaluation'', CAD-for-Assurance, Feb/2021
Invited Talk, ''Automating Fault Attack Detection and Mitigation in Block Cipher Implementations'', International Crypto Webinar, 2021, 4/June/2021
Workshop Lecture, ''Micro-architectural Attacks and Time-Driven Cache Attacks on Block Ciphers'', WORTICS 2018, Chennai (30/June/2018)
Invited Talk, ''Tools for Side-Channel Vulnerability Detection'', 8-th Cyber Security Week Conference, TelAviv University, Israel (18/June/2018)
Workshop Lectures, ''Secure Coding'', Faculty Development Program, IIIT D&M (17/May/2018)
Workshop Lecture, ''Bitcoin and Blockchains'', Exebit, IIT Madras (14/April/2018)
Workshop Lecture, ''Side Channel Analysis for Post-Quantum Cryptography'',
PQC Workshop, SETS, Chennai (27/March/2018)
Invited Talk, ''Operating System Security'', CEG, Anna University (20/Dec/2017)
Poster, ''Samata: A Framework for Identifying Net-Neutrality Violations using Evidence Structures'', with P. Karthik, G. Mitra, and K. Veezhinathan, ACM, IMC 2017 (2/Nov/2017)
Workshop Lecture, ''Authenticating IOT Edge Devices with Physically Unclonable Functions'', Seventh National Workshop on Ubiquitious Computing, Bangalore (7/Oct/2017)
Workshop Lecture, ''Formal Methods for Security Analysis'', Seventh National Workshop on Ubiquitious Computing, Bangalore (7/Oct/2017)
Keynote Talk, ''Engineering for Security'', Cyber Security Workshop, VIT Chennai (12/Sep/2017)
Keynote Talk, ''Blockchains in IOT: Taking it to the Edge'', ADCOM 2017, Bangalore (9/Sep/2017)
Invited Talk, ''Buffer Overflows to ROPs: Threats and Mitigations'', Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai (as part Extra Mural Lecture Series) (21/July/2017)
Invited Talk, ''Detecting Fault Vulnerabilities in Ciphers'', University of Houston, USA (23/June/2017)
Invited Talk, ''Security Enginnering'', Research Science Initiative - Chennai, IIT Madras (2/June/2017)
Workshop Lectures, ''Security Enginnering, Access Control, Sandboxing, and Covert Channels'', ACM School of Cryptography and Information Security, VIT, Vellore (29/May/2017 and 30/May/2017) [website]
Workshop Lecture, ''Formal Methods for Security Analyis (a tool for charaterizing fault attacks)'', with Aritra Hazra, U.Tokyo-IIT Madras Workshop, IIT, Chennai (16/Mar/2017) [website]
Workshop Lecture, ''Automatic Detection of Side Channel Vulnerabilities in System Software'', TCS Research Interaction Day, IIT, Chennai (1/Oct/2016)
Workshop Lecture, ''A Tutorial on Information Leaks in Systems'', RIC, DRDO, Chennai (23/Sep/2016)
Workshop Lecture, ''Bitcoin : Under the Hood'', TEQIP II Sponsored Workshop on Introduction to Cryptology, NIT Trichy (3/Jun/2016)
Invited Talk, ''System Security'', Loyola-ICAM College of Engineering (27/Feb/2015)
Rump Session, ''DRECON : DPA Resistance by Construction'', with Shivam Bhasin, Sylvain Guilley, Suvadeep Hajra, and Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, CHES 2013, Santa Barbara, USA, 2014
Poster, ''Accelerating OpenSSL's ECC with Low Cost Reconfigurable Hardware'', with D. B. Roy, S. Agrawal, H. Singh, and D. Mukhopadhyay, VLSID 2014, Pune, India, 2014
Workshop Lecture, ''Formal Analysis of Cache Timing Attacks'', Cryptographic Hardware and Engineering Workshop (CHEW 2012), Kharagpur, March 31, 2012
Poster, ''A Formal Analysis of Prefetching in Profiled Cache-Timing Attacks on Block Ciphers'', with Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, CHES 2012, Leuven, Belgium, 2012
Invited Talk, ''Tools for Side Channel Analysis : The Case of Cache Timing Attacks'', Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Bangalore, December 21, 2011
Invited Talk, ''On the Insecurity of Cache Memories'', National Workshop on Recent Trends in Cryptography and Network Security, Bangalore, June 30, 2011
Workshop Lecture, ''Implementation of High Speed Finite Field Primitives on FPGAs'', Anurag Labs, DRDO, Hyderabad, May 24, 2011.
Tutorial Talk, ''Hardware Security : A 21st Century Perspective'', with D. Mukhopadhyay and R.S. Chakraborty, 24th IEEE International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID),
Chennai, January 2, 2011. [website]