- 3 Programming assignments (10% + 10% + 10%)
- 2 Quizzes (15% + 15%)
- EndSem (40%)
Office hours: None
- Post your general queries on moodle.
- If you have a query that is specific to you alone, send me an email.
Course description
Moodle page
Early Feedback
Final Feedback
Rating due to institute feedback (TCF): 0.876 (institute average: 0.833)
TA tasks:
- Be sincere.
- Open the classroom, switch on fans/lights/projector. Keep the mic ready.
- Take attendance book from the instructor and distribute amongst students. Count the number of signatures and the number of students present. Mark the empty entries for the day. Return the book to the instructor.
- Setup assignments, create submission portal on moodle, create public+private test-cases and the associated scripts; evaluate and upload results on moodle. Send results to the instructor.
- Invigilate exams.
- Take tutorials when asked for.
Slot: B (Mon 0900, Tue 0800, Wed 1300, Thu None, Fri 1100)
Room: CS24
- Venkatram Pampana (venk3012@gmail)
- Parthasarathy G (gparthasarathy93@gmail)
- Dheepikaa N (ndheepikaa@gmail)
Instructor: Rupesh Nasre (rupesh@cse).
Reference book:
- Programming Languages, 2ed, Ravi Sethi, Pearson Education.
- Introduction
- Imperative Programming
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Functional Programming
- Logic Programming