
Here is a list of the activities (other than the lectures) designed to support the learning process. (By design, a student is expected to spend 9-11 hours per week on the course, inclusive of all activities related to the course).

The Exams  80%  The ShoTs  10% 
The TuTs  10%  The Eurekas  +5% 

  • The TuTs : Weekly Tutorials (10%).
    We will conduct weekly tutorial sessions. Each tutorial will be structured as follows : First 10 minutes will be for solving one chosen question from the earlier Tutorial session. The students will have to write up the answer in one sheet and submit it to the TA. The Tutorial scores contributes to 10% of the final marks out of 100. After that, there will be a set of 10-20 questions that will be given out of which any five can be worked out by the student in class. The teaching assistants and the instructor will be available for discussion for each group. The remaining questions are expected to be worked out by the student later. The student can take the help from the TA or the instructor during the contact hours.

  • The ShoTs : Short Exams (10%).
    These will be two 1 hour long exams on material closely related to the lectures and the responses will be evaluated. This is a part of continuous assessment in the course. Note that the weightage of these towards the final score is nontrivial but relatively low (5% each). You can afford to make mistakes (and hence learn) without worsening your final score by much !.

  • Quizzes & End-semester Exams (80%) :
    There will be two quizes which will be in-hall standard exams. The end-semester exam will be a standard 3 hour long exam.
  • The Eurekas (+5%) :
    You like challenges? Here we go. We will post a set of relatively harder questions which you can attempt and submit your (own only !) solutions. The aim is that students who attempt to solve these problems should be more motivated by the "curiosity" and "challenge" rather than what it contributes to the final grade. Submission is optional.
    Since it is optional, evaluation of Eureka sets will be binary. Either you get full marks or zero. No partial marking at all.
    The Eureka set scores will not be considered while deciding the grade cut offs for the class (which, by design, is relative). Thus, in terms of the grades, Eureka set scores can possibly help turn some just-missing-X grade to X grade (where X is S, A, B, C, D, E) and it does not affect the grades of others who did not attempt the challenge set questions.
    Sometimes the Eureka points can also be earned by answering questions (specifically ear marked as a Eureka questions) are asked in class.

Academic Integrity Notice

Any kind of academic dishonesty will be dealt with seriously and may even cause an U grade in the course.