Basic Information

Course Objectives

This is a companion course for the theory counter part CS2700 : Programming and Data Structures Lab. The objective of the course is to teach programming (with an emphasis on problem solving) and introduce elementary data structures.

Learning Outcomes

After the successful completion of the lab course the student will be able to :
  • Write programs to solve problems.
  • Choose and implement efficient data structures and apply them to solve problems.

Scope and Syllabus

The ADTs will be implemented using C++, introducing its syntax as required to explain the concepts (such as objects, classes, encapsulation, operator overloading, polymorphism and basic STL such as string and vector). The assignments are from the following list.
  • Sort and binary search
  • Implementing stacks and queues using arrays and linked lists
  • Doubly linked list and circular linked list
  • Tree Traversals, Expression Trees, Infix, Prefix and postfix notations
  • Binary Search Trees
  • AVL Trees
  • Heaps, Priority queue using heaps. Heap Sort.
  • Graph Search Algorithms

See activities page for more details about the running details about the course and evaluation components.