
The main text book for the course will be :

[Kozen's Book] - Automata and Computability - Dexter C. Kozen - Springer Publishers. (Availability : There are five copies available at the Department library, and at least one available at the Institute Library.)

Reference textbooks, as per the syllabus info: (these we will be using sometimes, but only rarely)
  • [HMU Book] - Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation - Hopcroft, Motwani, and Ullman - Pearson Publishers. (Availability : It is available at the Department library, Institute Library.)
  • John. C. Martin - Introduction to languages and the theory of computation - Tata McGrawHill, 2003.
  • H. R. Lewis and C.H. papadinitriou - Elements of the theory of computation, - Prentice Hall Publishers, 1981.
  • Kamala Kritivasan and R.Rama. - Introduction to Formal Languages, Automata Theory and Computation - Pearson Publishers