In Semester 2, 2016-2017, I will be teaching CS7111: Topics in Cryptography.

Course Description

The course will cover some exciting recent progress in cryptography in the field of computing on encrypted data. In the age of cloud computing, everyone agrees on the benefits of outsourcing data storage and computation to some server, such as Google or Amazon. In the age of wikileaks and Snowden, everyone also agrees that the server cannot be trusted and the data should be stored encrypted. But these are conflicting objectives. On the one hand, data must be encrypted, on the other, the point of cloud computing is to compute on this data. As you know, encryption hides all information about the underlying message, thus encrypted data should appear random. Computation performed on random junk will be random junk. How then, do we extract structure from this random looking encryption to compute functions on the underlying plaintext? How do we argue that data privacy was maintained? Recent years in crypto have seen some beautiful solutions to this problem ranging from fully homomorphic encryption to functional encryption to witness encryption to obfuscation to outsourcing computation. In CS7111, we will study some of these advances. The course will be entirely mathematical in nature. The focus will be on identifying interesting directions for future research.

Administrative Information

Lectures are Wednesdays and Fridays, 2:00-3:30 pm in CSB 36. Office hours are by appointment: just send me an email and drop in!


This course requires mathematical maturity, you should be comfortable with the language of proofs. Knowledge of algorithms, theory of computing (i.e. familiarity with reductions), some algebra and probability theory is required. The course will be self contained for the most part but you should be familiar with the tools and techniques used in theoretical computer science. It is really useful if you have done CS 6111 (Foundations of Cryptography) but this is not absolutely essential. In terms of background reading, here are some good notes. Read chapter 3 and as much of 2 as you can. You should understand public key encryption well for now. The MOOC is very useful, as is Katz Lindell's "Introduction to Modern Cryptography" (available on flipkart, you can borrow my copy for some time if you like).



The course will have several commonalities with this course at MIT, this course at Columbia and this course at ENS Lyon.
For background on lattices, useful notes are Regev's course notes or Daniele's slides. See also Daniele's talk and Chris Peikert's expository talks.


Below are the topics we will discuss in class. We'll cover some subset or superset of these, depending on time. Suggestions for other topics are also welcome!

Part 1: Fully Homomorphic encryption

Part 2: Functional Encryption

Part 3: Indistinguishability Obfuscation
