Panorama from Representative Frames of Unconstrained Videos Using DiffeoMeshes

Geethu Miriam Jacob and Sukhendu Das
Visualization and Perception Lab
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India

Accepted in Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV-2018)


Panorama creation from unconstrained hand-held videos is a challenging task due to the presence of large parallax, moving objects and motion blur. Alignment of the frames taken from a hand-held video is often very difficult to perform. The method proposed here aims to generate a panorama view of the video shot given as input. The proposed framework for panorama creation consists of four stages: The first stage performs a sparse frame selection based on alignment and blur score. A global order for aligning the selected frames is generated by computing a Minimum Spanning Tree with the most connected frame as the root of the MST. The third stage performs frame alignment using a novel warping model termed as DiffeoMeshes, a demon-based diffeomorphic registration process for mesh deformation, whereas the fourth stage renders the panorama. For evaluating the alignment performance, experiments were first performed on a standard dataset consisting of pairs of images. We have also created and experimented on a dataset of 20 video shots for generating panorama. Our proposed method performs better than the existing state-of-the-art methods in terms of alignment error and panorama rendering quality.

Proposed Framework


Downloadable Files

       Dataset of 20 Unconstrained Videos
       Supplementary File

Additional Results