The course activities will include regular lectures, tutorials, solving practice problem sets, programming assignments, two quizzes and the end semester examination. Expected load is 3-4 hours in class, 1-2 hours in discussions, and 6 hours of offline work per week.- Tutorials - The following gives the schedule for In-class Discussion-Based Open-Book Tutorials (IDOTs). This will be outside class hours and the Tutorial session will present a set of problems which the class will try to solve In-class Discussion-Based Open-Book mode. The TAs will be available for discussion. You are free to write down the answer and give it for "feedback" if you wish. This is not mandatory and the sheets are not going to be "evaluated". Some Tutorials may also be turned into discussion sessions. The sheets which are submitted will be returned with feedback on the following Monday.
- √ IDOT 01 : Jan 30, 2014, 2pm - 3pm.
- √ IDOT 02 : Feb 20, 2014, 10am - 11am.
- √ IDOT 03 : Mar 06, 2014, 10am - 11am.
- √ IDOT 04 : Apr 04, 2014
- √ IDOT 05 : Apr 17, 2014
- Weekly Problem Sets - The following gives the schedule for posting Weekly Problem Sets (PPS). These will contain 3-4 problems for practice and will be sent out over email. These need not be turned in and does not contribute to the evaluation. However TAs will give feedback if you submit to them.
Weekly Problem Sets for alternate weeks will contain some specially marked challenge questions. We will call them the Eureka Sets. Submissions (if made within the announced deadline and is totally optional) will be evaluated and given at most 5% extra credit towards the final grade (in total).- √ WPPS 01 : Jan 24, 2014
- √ WPPS 02 : Jan 31, 2014 (*) - - Eureka Deadline - 5pm, Feb 10, 2014
- √ WPPS 03 : Feb 17, 2014
- √ WPPS 04 : Feb 28, 2014 (*)
- √ WPPS 05 : Mar 12, 2014
- √ WPPS 06 : Mar 21, 2014 (*)
WPPS ** : Mar 21, 2014- dropped.- √ WPPS 07 : Mar 28, 2014 (*) - Eureka Set 04 replaced by Eureka PROG - PROG02
- √ WPPS 08 : Apr 11, 2014
- √ WPPS 09 : Apr 18, 2014 (*) - Eureka Set 05 dropped !.
Eureka Sets (ES2-ES5) can be submitted any time during the semester. Yes, so there is an effective deadline - the end of the semester. There will be a box labelled "Eureka Set Submissions" at BSB 355 (which will be removed before the endsem exam) and you can just put your handwritten solution in the box. Make sure you staple together your papers, and write your name and roll number before putting them in.
- The aim is that students who attempt to solve these problems should be more motivated by the "curiosity" and "challenge" rather than what it contributes to the final grade. Submission is optional. Each Eureka set will be evaluated for 20 marks.
- The Eureka set scores will not be considered while deciding the grade cut offs for the class (which, by design, is relative). Thus, in terms of the grades, Eureka set scores can possibly help turn some just-missing-X grade to X grade (where X is S, A, B, C, D, E) and it does not affect the grades of others who did not attempt the challenge set questions.
- Submit only if it is your own answer (completely) and only if you think (at least suspect) your answer is correct. Write down mathematical proofs.
- Do *not* consult Internet sources for answers. Posting these questions on internet forums for solution is not allowed. These questions should not be discussed in course forums at moodle before the deadline.
- Programming Assignments (4%) - There will be one programming assignment. It will contribute 4% towards the final grade.
- √ PROG 01 : Mar 03, 2014, (Extended) Deadline on - 11:59pm, Mar 16, 2014 - Further (Extended with 25% penalty) on 10pm, Mar 23, 2014
- √ PROG 02 : Mar 29, 2014 (Optional - sent out as Eureka Set 04 - Deadline : Apr 24, 11:55pm)
- Short Exams - There will be four short tests, which are in-class standard 50-minutes exams. They will contribute to (4x4 = 16%) towards the final grade.
- √ SHOT 01 : 1pm - 2pm, Thu, Feb 6, 2014
- √ SHOT 02 : 11am - 12pm, Tue, Mar 18, 2014
- √ SHOT 03 : 1pm - 2pm, Thu, Mar 27, 2014
- SHOT 04 : 11am - 12pm, Mon, Apr 28, 2014
- √ Quiz-I (20%) - Feb 26, 2014, 8am - 8:50am
- √ Quiz-II (20%) - Apr 08, 2014, 8am - 8:50am
- Endsem Exam (40%) - May 06, 2014, 9am - 12pm
The numbers within brackets shows the percentage contribution of the item towards the final score.