
    Indian engineer lost in the mysticism of life. Sometimes agnostic, sometimes full of faith, sometimes depressed, sometimes blessed. Sometimes recluse, sometimes extravagantly social. Sometimes feel the need of psychiatrist consultation.

    Sometimes love to play and compose music, sometimes make computer vision and robotics projects, very few times like to write and rarely like to read.

    This defines my life almost completely.

My Background

Well I have made this separate page for my background that I am really proud of. I have born in Delhi and brought up in Agra, particularly in Dayalbagh. All of my past education was done in an environment full of peace and love. I still meet my old teachers whenever I visit Dayalbagh. After attending primary school and R.E.I. Intermediate college, I did my B.Sc. (Engineering) in Electrical Engineering from Dayalbagh Educational Institute.

Life at Dayalbagh is completely different as compared to life in other parts of the world, countries or cities. The main point is that the community there is fully self contained. People there live an active, disciplined and co-operative community life dedicated to service, conforming to the high spiritual ideals of their faith.All the students of the university are taught theory as well as practical course on agriculture in the initial first year. Also, in all the programs, including post-graduate and graduate courses, every student has to pass two course on religious studies and Indian culture as well.

During my graduation at DEI, I learned signal processing in second year by D. Prem Prasad Sir followed by C/C++ and Data Structures by Prof. C. Patvardhan. Both the subjects specially latter were very new to me. I was very excited about programming after these courses. Then I audited one course that really changed my life, Image Processing by Prof. Prem Kalra. In this course I did various assignments including image morphing and Independent component analysis.

In 2008 summer, I attended Summer Workshop on Computer Vision and Graphics in IIT Delhi. There I first got introduced to the computer vision. I made a dynamic gesture recognition program that was capable to recognize 18 different human upper body gestures in real-time. This brought my interest in computer vision, and this project later got the Best Project award among 8 others.

I did my B.T. Project under Late Prof. Satish Kumar ( author of Neural Networks: A Classroom Approach. Under his guidance I worked on fuzzy systems applicable to robotics, genetic algorithms and image processing projects. I also published a paper:

  • A. Setia, V. M. Swarup, S. Kumar, and L. Singh, "A novel adaptive fuzzy load balancer for heterogeneous LAM/MPI clusters applied to evolutionary learning in neuro-fuzzy systems," in 2009 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. IEEE, Aug. 2009, pp. 68-73

Apart from studies, I was one of the cultural coordinator and active band member of the university band.

After my graduation I worked for Kritikal Secure Scan Pvt. Ltd. for two years. My work at Kritikal involved designing and maintaining various computer vision algorithms. I designed 2 projects from scratch. First is a software that generates under vehicle image of any vehicle by stitching multiple frames captured by underground mounted camera (Also called "Under Vehicle Scanner System"). Second is Vehicles Make and Model recognition using vehicle details in high definition traffic videos. Also, I worked on improvement of License Plate Recognition System which was initially developed by the company. Apart from technical work, I was in charge for extra curricular activities. I was also awarded Best Newcomer of the company for the year 2009-2010.