
    Indian engineer lost in the mysticism of life. Sometimes agnostic, sometimes full of faith, sometimes depressed, sometimes blessed. Sometimes recluse, sometimes extravagantly social. Sometimes feel the need of psychiatrist consultation.

    Sometimes love to play and compose music, sometimes make computer vision and robotics projects, very few times like to write and rarely like to read.

    This defines my life almost completely.


I have been looking for a problem for my MS Thesis work. After having studied many topics in computer vision, I found pedestrian detection quite challenging as well as interesting, and I will be working on this problem. Other problems e.g. shape based object detection, which is the current work being done in our lab, is quite interesting too. So I will try to collect as much as information as I can on the following pages.

You can find recent research work, publications of the corresponding problem by clicking the following respective links.

  • Pedestrian Detection

    Links, recent work, and publications on vision based pedestrian/people detection.