Doctoral Research Scholar
PACE Lab, BSB 331A
Dept. of Computer Science and Engg.
IIT Madras, India
I am a doctoral research scholar, working under the guidance of V. Krishna Nandivada at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras), India. Here, I am associated to the Programming Languages, Architecture and Compilers Education (PACE) lab since it opened in August 2012 at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. I joined the department in July 2012 as an MS scholar, and eventually converted to PhD in January 2014.
My area of research is "Programming Languages and Compilers". Apart from my research work on synchronization optimizations for OpenMP parallel programs, I am also the sole developer of the project IMOP (under the guidance of my thesis adviser), a framework to develop source-to-source transformations and source code analyses for OpenMP programs written in C. To read more about my research interests, click here.