I earned my Ph.D. from The University of Texas at Austin. During my PhD, I was guided by Professor Dan Boneh in Cryptography (during an extended visit to Stanford University) and Professor Sriram Vishwanath in Information Theory. I also spent two years as a postdoctoral scholar at the University of California, Los Angeles with Professor Amit Sahai.
- Swarnajayanti award, 2019.
- Best paper award, Eurocrypt, 2020.
- B. Yegnanarayana award for excellence in research and teaching, 2021.
- ACM India Outstanding Contributions to Computing by a Woman, 2022.
- Venky Harinarayan and Anand Rajaraman Fellow, 2022.
- Google India Research Award, 2023.
- Fellow at C3iHub, (Cybersecurity and Cyber-Physical Systems Innovation Hub) at IIT Kanpur, 2024.
- Best reviewer awards: Eurocrypt 2024, CCS 2022, Aisacrypt 2019.
- Keynote speaker Asiacrypt 2020
- Keynote speaker Latincrypt 2021
- Distinguished Lecture, Vigan Vidushi, 2021.
- Program co-chair Asiacrypt 2022
- Invited speaker, "Women in Mathematics", 2022
- Keynote speaker ACM-W annual event, 2023
- Featured in Women in STEM series.
- Featured in `10 award-winning women at IIT Madras'.
- Invited speaker at "Pingala Interactions in Computing", 2023.