Title | : | The GRAMA project: Game theory, Random processes, Artificial intelligence, and Machine learning for (Indian) Agriculture |
Speaker | : | Y. Narahari (Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Automation, IISC, Bangalore) |
Details | : | Wed, 26 Apr, 2023 4:00 PM @ CS-25 |
Abstract: | : | We, at the Game Theory Lab in the Department of CSA, IISc. are currently engaged in a bouquet of projects exploring the use of game theory, optimization, and machine learning to address a few important problems in digital agriculture in the Indian context. These projects include: PREPARE, ACRE, CROP-S, PROMISE, PROSPER, and AGRI-VAAHAN (acronyms will be expanded in the talk). PREPARE is concerned with crop price prediction; ACRE, with crop recommendation; CROP-S, with crop planning; PROMISE, with procurement of agricultural inputs; and PROSPER, with markets for selling agricultural produce. AGRI-VAAHAN is an AIML pipeline for digital agriculture. In this talk, we provide an overview of these projects, some preliminary results, and work in progress. We present PROMISE in some detail highlighting the problems faced by the farmers in procuring quality inputs at affordable cost; we bring out how “farmer cooperatives” can creatively solve this problem with simple technology using standard tools from game theory and machine learning. These projects are supported by NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development) and BEL (Bharat Electronics Limited). |