CS6015: Linear Algebra and Random Processes

Course information

  • When: Jul-Nov 2019

  • Lectures: Slot D

  • Where: CS36

  • Teaching Assistants: Nirav Bhavsar, Ajay Pandey, Nithia V, Monisha J

  • Office Hours: Wed 2:30pm to 3:30pm

  • Course Content: See Schedule below


  • Mid-term (Linear Algebra concepts): 30%

  • Final exam (Probability concepts): 30%

  • Quizzes: 20% (Best 4 out of 6)

  • Programming Assignments: 20%

Target Audience

Masters (M.Tech/M.S.) and Ph.D. students

Important Dates

  • Quizzes: Aug 13, Aug 29, Sep 19, Oct 14, Oct 30, Nov 11

  • Mid-term: 10am to 12pm, Sep 28

  • End-sem: 2pm to 5pm, Nov 20

Lecture Notes


  • Linear Algebra:

    • Linear algebra and applications by Gilbert Strang

    • Linear Algebra: Pure and Applied by Edgar Goodaire

  • Additional references:

    • Introduction to Probability by Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis

    • Introduction to probability models by Sheldon Ross

Schedule from 2017

Part I: Linear Algebra
Lecture number Topics Covered Section reference
(Strang's book)
Lecture 1 Course Organization
Motivation for studying linear algebra
Lecture 2 Geometry of linear equations - row picture, col picture
Vector space, subspace - definition, examples Linear combinations, linear independence
Lecture 3 Transpose - properties
Gaussian elimination
Lecture 4 Computational cost of elimination
Matrix multiplication - four view
Gauss-Jordan method
Lecture 5 Factorization A=LU and A=LDU
Row exchanges, permutation matrices
Uniqueness of LU/LDU factorization for invertible matrices
Lecture 6 Column and null spaces
Null space computation by solving Ax=0
Pivot and free variables, special solutions
row reduced echelon form
2.1, 2.2
Lecture 7 Dimension = number of vectors in any basis
Rank, row-rank = col-rank
rank + nullity = number of columns
2.3, 2.4
Lecture 8 Orthogonal vectors and subspaces
Row space orthogonal to null space
Quiz 1
Lecture 9 Projection onto a line
Projection onto a subspace
Lecture 10 Least squares data fitting
Orthonormal vectors
Lecture 11 Four fundamental subspaces (again)
Least squares data fitting
2.4, 3.3
Lecture 12 Orthogonal bases
Gram Schmidt algorithm
Factorization A=QR
Quiz 2
Lecture 13 Linear transformations:
definition, matrix representation
Lecture 14 Composition of linear transformations
Change of basis
Change of basis: Section 46 of Halmos's text
Lecture 15 Similarity of transformations Section 47 of Halmos's text
Quiz 3
Lecture 16 Determinants: Properties, Formula 4.2, 4.3
Lecture 17 Determinants: Cofactors, Applications in graphs 4.3, 4.4
Graph applications: Section 3.3 of Goodaire's text
Lecture 18 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors 5.1
Lecture 19 Similarity and diagonalization 5.2
Lecture 20 Spectral theorem for real symmetric matrices:
case when eigenvalues are distinct
Lecture 21 Complex vector space, Hermitian and unitary matrices 5.5
Quiz 4
Lecture 22 Schur's theorem
Spectral theorem as a corollary
Lecture 23 Singular value decomposition 6.3
Mid-sem Exam

Part II: Random Processes
Lecture number Topics Covered Section reference
(Grimmett's book)
Lecture 1 Events as sets, probability spaces 1.2
Lecture 2 Cardinality, countability and infinite sums Sections 4 and 5 of Manjunath Krishnapur's notes
Lecture 3 Properties of probability measure 1.3
Lecture 4 Conditional probability 1.4
Quiz 5
Lecture 5 Independence
Gambler's ruin
Lecture 6 Random variables and distribution function 2.1
Lecture 7 Uncountable probability spaces, distribution functions Section 14 of Manjunath Krishnapur's notes
Lecture 8 Law of averages - Bernstein's inequality 2.2
Lecture 9 Discrete r.v.s - definition and examples
Quiz 6
Lecture 10 Discrete r.v.s - expectation, higher moments and examples 3.3, 3.5
Lecture 11 Discrete r.v.s - joint distribution function
Covariance, correlation
Lecture 12 Discrete r.v.s - conditional distribution and expectation 3.7
Lecture 13 Discrete r.v.s - conditional expectation
Sums of r.v.s
3.7, 3.8
Quiz 7
Lecture 14 Continuous r.v.s - p.d.f., independence, expectation 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
Lecture 15 Continuous r.v.s - examples 4.4
Lecture 16 Continuous r.v.s - dependence 4.5
Quiz 8
Lecture 17 Continuous r.v.s - conditional distributions and expectation 4.6
Lecture 18 Continuous r.v.s - functions of r.v.s 4.7
Lecture 19 Continuous r.v.s - change of variables 4.7
Lecture 20 Continuous r.v.s - multivariate normal distribution 4.9