Photo courtesy: Durwasa Chakraborty

Rupesh Nasre.

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I am looking for students/staff with knowledge of Parallel Programming or interest in Domain-Specific Languages. Even if you can work remotely (formally or informally, for at least 4 months), contact me with your CV.

If you want to work with me, there is one quality that I expect in you: Sincerity. If you are not sincere, we are going to make each other's life difficult. Please join me only if you can be sincere; not to me, but to your work.

  •   Graph DSL
  •   Internship at Intel Labs, Reviewer for PPoPP 2024 Artifacts + CGO 2024 Artifacts, Recipient of Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship 2023, Patent 432922 on StarPlat Graph DSL, Finalist in Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship 2022, PLDI 2022 student volunteer, Attended Research Week with Google India, Talked on GPU Programming at Chandigarh University, Attended EuroPar 2021, PPoPP 2021

  •   Ebenezer Rajadurai
  •   Scientist at ISRO, Patent 432922 on StarPlat Graph DSL, Attended PPoPP 2021, 12th in all India HPC Shiksha course
  •   Parallel Graph Algorithms
  •   Qualcomm, Reviewer for CGO 2024 Artifacts, Patent 432922 on StarPlat Graph DSL, GECCO 2023 paper, Reviewer for PPoPP 2023 Artifacts, Reviewer for CGO 2023 Artifacts, Subreviewer for HiPC 2022, IJPP 2021 paper, Attended PPoPP 2021, HiPC 2020, IPEC 2020, CALDAM 2018, HiPC 2018, FSTTCS 2016, STAR TA three times (Jan 2021, Aug 2019, Jan 2018), 10th place in PACE Challenge 2018, part of the software team in JoSAA 2017
  •   Program Analysis through Ontologies
  •, patent on bug identification via domain ontologies, Institute Research Award Jul-Nov 2021, ASE 2021 paper, IRISS 2021 presentation, SPE 2020 paper

  •   Prema Soundrarajan, primarily-guided by B K Panigrahi, IGCAR
  •   Automatic Parallelization
  •   Research Scientist at UAB, PostDoc at UAB, PostDoc at IIT Kanpur, CCPE 2019 paper
  •   Parallel Digital Image Correlation
  •   Parallelization for Static and Dynamic Data
  •   PostDoc at TxState USA, co-winner of IBM Best PhD Thesis Award 2024, EuroPar 2024 paper, Reviewer for PPoPP 2023 Artifacts, CCPE 2022 paper, STAR TA twice (July 2021, July 2020), TOPC 2022 paper, Reviewer for PLDI 2022 Artifacts
  •   Test-suite Selection and Prioritization
  •   [IIT Gandhinagar, PostDoc at Concordia Canada, PostDoc at UFPE Brazil], ICST 2023 presentation, FSE 2022 presentation, Patent 386511 on Consensus Prioritization of Testcases, TSE 2021 paper, IBM Best PhD Thesis Honorable Mention, Institute Research Award Jul-Nov 2020, Reviewer for ISSTA 2021 Artifacts, ICST 2021 presentation, Reviewer for PPoPP 2021 Artifacts, JSS 2020 paper, Mentored an award-winning MTP, SERI 2020 presentation, ICST 2020 presentation, JSS 2019 paper, Silver Medal at IIEST Shibpur
  •   Locking in Hierarchies
  •   [Google, Intel Research], grant from IITM Alumni for attending EuroPar, Institute Research Award Jan-May 2019, Internships at Microsoft Research 2019+2018, EuroPar 2019 paper, Mentored an award-winning MTP, ICPP 2018 paper, EuroPar 2018 paper, Reviewer for PPoPP 2018 Artifacts, PLDI 2017 Artifacts, Invited paper at ACM TOPC 2017, HiPC 2016 Parallel Programming Challenge 1st place, Google PhD Student Summit 2016, Credit Suisse, PPoPP 2016 paper (Distinguished Paper Award), SIGPLAN grant for attending PPoPP, PoPL 2015 poster, SIGPLAN grant for PLMW 2015, attended IPDPS 2015, ICSE 2014
  •   Energy Optimizations in Heterogeneous Systems
  •   [Intel, Multicoreware], ESWEEK travel grant, EMSOFT+TCAD paper, mentored a BTP, TMSCS 2018 paper, Reviewer for PPoPP 2018+19+21 Artifacts, CHIUW 2017 paper
  •   Approximations in Graph Algorithms
  •   PostDoc at INRIA, Subreviewer for HiPC 2022, TODAES 2021 paper, Internship at Microsoft Research 2020, Internship at Intel Research 2020, ICPP 2020 paper, Modern Physics Journal 2019 paper, SIGPLAN grant for attending PPoPP, ICAP 2018 paper, Mentored an MTP, GSoC on parallelizing SixTrackLib, Organizer for CUDA Workshop in ExeBit 2018, TMSCS 2018 paper, Reviewer for PPoPP 2018+21 + ECOOP 2020 Artifacts, STAR TA July 2017, GSoC on GPU vectors, Reviewer for ESL, HiPC 2016 Parallel Programming Challenge 4th place, mentored two interns, HiPC 2015 Parallel Programming Challenge 4th place, attended IPDPS 2015, PoPL 2015


  •   Bhaskar Banerjee

  •   Yajnesh Mohanty
  •   Scientist at DRDO

  •   Nibedita Behera
  •   Graph DSL
  •   Qualcomm, Recipient of Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship 2023, Patent 432922 on StarPlat Graph DSL, CGO SRC 2023 Poster, Finalist in Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship 2022

  •   Jash Khatri
  •   Approximations in Graph Algorithms
  •   Microsoft, Patent 432922 on StarPlat Graph DSL, IJPP journal paper, taught an online GPU course, mentored a UGRC, mentored a course project

  •   Nethaji Mandala, primarily-guided by V Sriram
  •   Meshfree Lagrangian Free Surface Flows
  •   QPIAI
  •   Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
  •   [AMD, MathWorks], IJMSSC journal paper, HiPC CFD 2019 Workshop paper
  •   Consistency in Distributed Systems
  •   Microsoft, Internship at Microsoft Research 2020, PaPoC 2020 paper
  •   Distributed Community Detection
  •   Oracle, visited IISc in 2018+2017, HPCC 2017 paper
  •   Testing for Android apps
  •   Samsung Research, ISSTA 2019 paper, Android teaching in SPW 2018, Software Engineering and Cyber Safety teaching in KV
  •   GPU Code Generation for Graph DSL
  •   [Google, Samsung Research ARM], LCPC 2016 paper, attended IPDPS 2015, PoPL 2015, SIGPLAN grant for PLMW 2015

  MTech / Dual Degree Show/Hide

  BTech Show/Hide

  UGRC / Interns Show/Hide

  As Faculty Adviser

  Mentoring prior to becoming a faculty member

  •   Cristiano Sousa and Bruno Medeiros, University of Minho, Summer Interns
  •   Graph Partitioning on GPUs

  •   Michael He, Tsinghua University, Summer Intern
  •   De Bruijn Graph Construction on GPUs for Genome Sequencing

  •   Prad Nelluru, University of Texas at Austin, Bachelors Thesis
  •   Fast Approximate k-Nearest Neighbors in High Dimensions
  •   Schlumberger Award for Best Thesis

  •   Prad Nelluru and Ashay Rane, University of Texas at Austin, CS380C course project
  •   Stencil Compiler for Image Processing on GPUs

  •   Martin Schatz and Tyler Smith, University of Texas at Austin, CS395T course project
  •   GPU Kernel Synthesis

  •   Ankita Raman, VNIT Nagpur, Summer Intern
  •   Points-to Analysis using Dominators

  •   Sandeep Putta, IIT Bombay, UGC Summer Intern
  •   Parallel Points-to Analysis
  •   CC 2012 paper